[CentOS] Several problems upgrading CentOS 4.1 to 4.3

Sun Apr 9 05:54:41 UTC 2006
Mike Kercher <mike at vesol.com>

centos-bounces at centos.org <> scribbled on Sunday, April 09, 2006 12:43

> I had a CentOS 4.1 installation (LVM over RAID1), and tried
> to do an update to the 4.3 release.
> Nothing too fancy, I did all the partitions with the
> graphical installer for the
> 4.1 Version.

> I'm not a newbie, I have quite a while working with linux,
> and I just want to aware people who are going to perform an
> update, skipping some version in between or perhaps moving to
> 4.3 to be very carefull in the process.
> I think this was a experience that was worth telling and
> researching to find out what really happend.

Why did you not just 'yum upgrade' to go from 4.1 to 4.3?
