[CentOS] reinstall packages

Thu Apr 13 18:33:41 UTC 2006
Bowie Bailey <Bowie_Bailey at BUC.com>

Paul Heinlein wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Apr 2006, Bowie Bailey wrote:
> > I have some rpm packages that I built locally.  After installing and
> > configuring them, I found a problem that required a source patch.
> > I have rebuilt the rpms, but since they have the same version number
> > as the original, I can't use "yum localupdate" to install them.  Is
> > there a clean way to do this with yum, or do I just need to remove
> > the old packages and then install the new ones?
> Is there a reason you didn't bump the Release: header in the .spec
> file? That's the typical mechanism for declaring one binary rpm newer
> than another.

Because I don't know anything about building packages beyond running
"rpmbuild".  All I did was download the tarfile, extract it, patch it,
retar it, and run rpmbuild.

Is the Release: header the only thing I need to change?  I looked into
that briefly, but I wasn't sure if there was anything else that would
need to be updated.
