Sat Apr 8 02:24:02 UTC 2006
Chris Mauritz <chrism at imntv.com>

William Warren wrote:
> Steve Huff wrote:
>> On Apr 7, 2006, at 8:54 AM, Chris Peikert wrote:
>>> While downloading almost all the guilds I came across a SELINUX 
>>> Guide. Whats that for?
>> dude.  seriously.
>> http://www.google.com/search?q=selinux
>> i'm not trying to be mean to you, but: when you have a question, your 
>> first impulse should *not* be to email the list.  if you're starting 
>> out with Linux (and it sounds like you are), you'll have a LOT of 
>> questions, and if you post them all to the list, you will soon 
>> exhaust people's goodwill and stop getting answers.  and some of 
>> those questions will be hard ones, and you won't be able to figure 
>> them out just by Googling, but you'll have pissed off the list, and 
>> so you'll be out of luck.
>> have you read ESR's "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way"?
>> http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
>> it was posted to the list recently, and i'd recommend you read it and 
>> start doing what it says. :)
>> alternately, you could buy support from Red Hat.
>> -steve
> it's replies like this that give Linux the bad, haughty name it has in 
> the non-technical community.  The following responses warning against 
> asking question lest you get ignored defeat the community approach 
> Linux should have.

Indeed.  I'd MUCH rather deal with the "hey, I'm new here and have no 
raving idea what to do" questions than hear the RMS type diatribes about 
how we need to do X and Y and how other people are so much more in tune 
with what I need to accomplish with the software that I've been "given 
for free."

A polite nudge to a resource for getting started is nice.  But being 
told, "uh...come to us as a last resort or risk being ignored" strikes 
me as being rather elitist, rude,  and just bad policy.
