[CentOS] Command line IMAP client

Wed Apr 12 18:20:20 UTC 2006
Jay Lee <jlee at pbu.edu>

Jason Sutherland wrote:
> I moved from mbox to Maildir back in November. I used script found 
> here ...
> http://home.uninet.ee/~ragnar/2md/2md-1.11.
> A little bit of a pain with folders but it will do them.
> -Jason
> Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote the following on 04/12/06 08:30:
>> Quoting Tom Brown <tom.brown at goodtechnology.com>:
>>> Hi
>>> I want to download all messages from an IMAP mailbox but i want this 
>>> to be outputted into MailDir format. I tried using fetchmail but 
>>> this outputted the mailbox into mbox format. Is there an IMAP client 
>>> that works on the command line but will output into MailDir format 
>>> or failing that how reliable is converting from mbox to MailDir ?
>> I remember there were some utilities distributed with wu-imapd source 
>> that might do what you want.  A perl script that would split mbox 
>> mailbox into maildir format is also trivial to write.  If you are 
>> transferring between two IMAP servers (one using mbox, the other 
>> using maildir), you can also use utility such as imapsync and not 
>> worry about the storage format of particular IMAP server.
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I have had great luck with IMAPCopy 
http://home.arcor.de/armin.diehl/imapcopy/imapcopy.html.  It connects 
between any two IMAP Servers (say UW-IMAP and Courier-IMAP) and copies 
messages from one to the other.  Works great for me!
