[CentOS] Re: kdewebdev aka Quanta or

Tue Jan 24 18:09:55 UTC 2006
Rex Dieter <rdieter at math.unl.edu>

Craig White wrote:

> I have one issue and it's a nutbreaker though...

Ouch.  (-:

> Start -> Settings -> Desktop -> Panels 
> or
> Kcontrol
> and I get a blank window and all I can see is 'Defaults' 'Help' 'Apply'
> 'Reset' buttons and no options as I see in the same on my FC-4 KDE 3.5
> where I notice that it was off.
> This is an issue...I'll poke around in my home directory.

deleting,renaming ~/.local ~/.config
Run in a konsole:
$ kbuildsyscoca

Else, try rebooting (it'll cleanup crud left behind in /tmp /and/or 

-- Rex