[CentOS] LVM

Tue Jan 10 19:40:32 UTC 2006
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Tue, 2006-01-10 at 11:27 -0800, Jeff Lasman wrote:
> On Monday 09 January 2006 08:49 pm, Sudev Barar wrote:
> > However
> > people from my LUG have been using it and claim this to be rock
> > steady...
> Never used it.  Our backup systems use multiple 250G drives (our next 
> backup server will use multipe 400G drives.  We use multiple homeX 
> partitions, and we manage what backs up where so this works for us.
> My recollection is that if any drive in an LVM fails the whole LVM 
> fails.

LVM doesn't fail .. but hard drives do.  If a hard drive failed that was
part of the LVM, you would lose all that info, true. That is why one
should use a CRC type RAID (1, 1+0, 5) under LVM ... (or LVM on top of
RAID) :)

Then you can replace the failed drive and keep going.

> If that's true, then I wouldn't ever use it as it would increase the 
> failure rate.

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