[CentOS] Centosplus & CentOS Extras, Enlarge your tent

Sat Mar 11 17:01:19 UTC 2006
Jim Smith <jim_smith2006 at yahoo.com>

--- Craig White <craigwhite at azapple.com> wrote:

> I am not completely sure that I agree with the above. Sometimes you
> have to break eggs to cook them. Some packaging requires updated
> modules to function...unfortunate but true. If 'upstream' refuses
to update
> certain base packages, then they might have to be replaced by a
> repo to get other packages installed...you takes your chances. Good
> getting things like mythtv installed without updating some of the
> packages...which is why I think (rather unfairly), Axel Thimms gets
> a lot of heat for his repo...because he is actually making edge
> packages work and sometimes he has to break eggs.

Broken eggs? A good example is on the centos list

That is a SURE lot of eggs to break for just mythtv.

> I think the larger issue between Fedora repositories was
> standardization of naming that provided a logical system for one
repository to
> evaluate its versioning against another and that seems to have
gotten worked
> out in FC-4 repos.
> ----
> > 
> > Craig, where is the KDE-Redhat  repo, I'm not a fan of KDE but if
> > they have a newer SAMBA, I'll see whether it can quiten the logs.
> ----
> kde-redhat.sourceforge.net

Arhh i recognize that repo as one of Axel Thims. I wouldn't touch
anything from ATRMS/kde-redhat.sourceforge.net with a barge pole.

On the subject of Fedora since i haven't touched FC4, they may have
ironed out the "repository hell" situation.

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