[CentOS] Re: gnome 2.12 via yum?

Tue May 30 05:26:07 UTC 2006
Craig White <craigwhite at azapple.com>

On Mon, 2006-05-29 at 22:30 -0500, Rex Dieter wrote:
> Johnny Hughes wrote:
> > If you add the lastest KDE via the kde-redhat project to centos-4 ....
> > or if there were a project that offered to upgrade gnome from 2.8 to
> > another version (say 2.12) .... then you are no longer using centos.
> > 
> > You would have a hodgepodge of programs that are not really enterprise
> > stable, nor really designed to work together.  Not that there is
> > anything wrong with that, and Rex does a great job w/ the kde-redhat
> > project ... it is just not that stable on top of CentOS ...
> IMO, it's pretty darn stable.  Are you privy to information I'm not?
> Or... perhaps simply your definition of "just not that stable" is
> different than mine.
I've been using it for months with CentOS 4.x and though Quanta+
(kdewebdev) can be a bit touch and go (and I use it extensively), KDE
itself has been quite solid (kde-redhat). Once again, I tip my hat to
Rex for doing a bang up job.

Then when you consider his up-to-date samba packaging, kde-redhat repo
has been a win-win for me. Upstream is really stuck on old versions of
samba and openldap.

Obviously upstream is extremely hesitant to version upgrades of
packages, especially things like a desktop manager but that doesn't mean
you can't take some chances on some systems.

FWIW, I did a clean install of Fedora Core 5 on my main desktop system
and all I can say is wow...it's really nice.
