[CentOS] best repo for perl-IO-Zlib perl-Archive-Tar
Jim Perrin
jperrin at gmail.comWed Nov 8 16:17:17 UTC 2006
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On 11/8/06, R Lists06 <lists06 at abbacomm.net> wrote: > > With all due respect to the various people, their hard work and associated > repos, where is the best place to do a yum install for these two packages > below in regards to an internet facing production Centos 4.4 server > > perl-IO-Zlib > perl-Archive-Tar > > I noticed dag and karan repos appear to have it and my experience and > research tells me that using CPAN is not an option for possible problems at > times (no disrespect intended) Both dag and karan repositories are very reliable. Either one should work fine for your needs, but I would avoid mixing and matching. Pick one repo and use include/exclude in yum to make sure you get updates from the same place so that you don't cause problems later on down the road. -- During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. George Orwell
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