[CentOS] Re: Hard drive errors

Tue Sep 26 17:42:47 UTC 2006
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

Bowie Bailey spake the following on 9/26/2006 9:49 AM:
> Scott Silva wrote:
>> Bowie Bailey spake the following on 9/26/2006 8:35 AM:
>>> Scott Silva wrote:
>>>> Look for the Ultimate boot disk;
>>>> http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/
>>>> It has many manufacturer hard drive utilities, and you just need
>>>> to be able to boot from CD.
>>> I burned the CD and tried it out.  There are two utilities on the CD
>>> for Seagate drives, but unless I am missing something, neither of
>>> them have any diagnostic capability.
>> When you press F2 to get to the disk utilities, you have to use the
>> left /right arrows to see more menus.
> I knew I was missing something.  Thanks!
I think it is a handy disk to keep. Just so I have what I need in one disk.
And the full version has a linux rescue disk included (insert).


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