[CentOS] how to install smoke ping with yum

Mon Sep 18 01:27:46 UTC 2006
hkclark at gmail.com <hkclark at gmail.com>

On 9/17/06, Farhan Ali Khan <gabereal_ at hotmail.com> wrote:
> hey guys
> i need help i want to know how to install smokeping with the help of yum .
> regards
> gaberial

Hi Gaberial,

I'm not aware of anyone who keeps an .rpm for SmokePing in a yum repo.
 There are some rpms available outside of yum repos, but I would
recommend that you install all of the components needed by SmokePing
and then do SmokePing itself directly from source as described in:


It's pretty simple and works well (although watch out for the version
of Sys::Syslog you are using... I know v0.16 has issues... I'm not
sure if the latest [v0.18] is better, but I think I read that there
are still issues... I downgraded to v0.15 and everything worked fine).
 This post on the smokeping-users list might be of help:


Take care,