[CentOS] Re: kernel source for 4.4

Tue Sep 26 21:52:17 UTC 2006
Morten Torstensen <morten at mortent.org>

Scott Silva wrote:
> http://mirrors.kernel.org/centos/4/updates/SRPMS/kernel-2.6.9-42.0.2.EL.src.rpm

I miss the kernel-source rpms, instead of the .src.rpm ones... so much easier to 
install without having to remember those rpmbuild commands or whatnot. Wonder 
why kernel-source is no longer available?


//Morten Torstensen
//Email: morten at mortent.org
//IM: Cartoon at jabber.no morten.torstensen at gmail.com

And if it turns out that there is a God, I don't believe that he is evil.
The worst that can be said is that he's an underachiever.