[CentOS] Help Needed with setup!

Kurt Hansen

khansen at charityweb.net
Wed Dec 19 15:28:03 UTC 2007

HI Christopher,

> I write in hope that there is a person willing to contact me and
> assist in setup a server that is being hosted by ServerBeach,  this is
> for a non-profit ,  I don't know much about this stuff and I would
> like to get it setup so I can do the things that I need to do which is
> get the website up and running.  The org does not have any money as if
> it need we would get a managed server and instead of a self-managed
> server.
Given that:

1. The non-profit has little money
2. You don't know much about this stuff

you don't want a self-managed server. Self-managed servers tend to be 
more expensive than managed ones and require greater knowledge to 
maintain, thus running counter to the needs of your situation.

You might want to try a different web hosting service. The hosting 
provider I use charges $69/month for a managed virtual-private server 
and ~$20/month for a shared webhosting server. They are at 

Other options are out there, but this is the sort of thing you want, I 

Take care,

Kurt Hansen

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