[CentOS] Cluster with two i386 pcs!

Fri Jan 19 18:19:45 UTC 2007
israel.garcia at cimex.com.cu <israel.garcia at cimex.com.cu>

>> John, thanks for your answer, I think I'm looking for a hihg
>> cluster with two pcs... Apache, Mailscanner/Postfix, mysqld and squid
>> are going to run in this cluster..

>Each of those apps has its own requirements for a shared workload 
<cluster.   frankly, I have no idea how a squid cluster could or would

>webservers like apache are most frequently clustered by being put
>a load balancing router such as BigIP from F5.  this is $$$$$$.

>mysql has its own clustering support, I'm not very familiar with it.   
>typically, these require shared storage.

>not sure why you'd need to cluster a mail server other than high 
>availability, this typically requires shared storage for the spool
>and such.

>I have no idea how you'd loadbalance cluster a squid cacheing proxy 
>between two systems with discrete SATA drives.  maybe if the squid
>was stored on a NFS server?

>frankly, with that workload, and the hardware resources you described, 
>you'd probably get the best performance by balancing the applications 
>across the two systems.  whichever app requires the most resource, put 
>it on one, put the rest on the other.   if the 'other' is overloaded, 
>move another task to the first.

John, I'm reading now some stuff of clustering from internet, thanks for
your opinion, let me ask you, (maybe a stupid question), which are the 
common applications used on cluster's systems? Web?
