[CentOS] CentOS 4.5 FTP install

Tue Jun 5 11:12:11 UTC 2007
Ron Yorston <rmy at tigress.co.uk>

I'm having trouble getting CentOS 4.5 to install via FTP.

I have a local FTP server with a mirror of 4/os/i386.  I boot from
the first CentOS 4.5 CD and enter 'linux askmethod'.  I choose the
FTP installation method and DHCP for the IP configuration.  At the
FTP Setup screen I enter the IP address of my server and the path
of the i386 directory.

Selecting OK there takes me to the CD Found screen that asks if I
want to perform a media test.  Skipping the media test takes me back
to the FTP Setup screen.  (Performing the media test shows that my CD
is OK, and then takes me back to the FTP Setup screen.)  All I can
do now is bounce between the FTP Setup and CD Found screens.

My FTP server log shows an attempt to fetch CentOS/base/product.img,
which doesn't exist.

Any idea what's going on here?
