[CentOS] CentOS 4.5 FTP install

Tue Jun 5 12:13:57 UTC 2007
Barry Brimer <lists at brimer.org>

> I'm having trouble getting CentOS 4.5 to install via FTP.
> I have a local FTP server with a mirror of 4/os/i386.  I boot from
> the first CentOS 4.5 CD and enter 'linux askmethod'.  I choose the
> FTP installation method and DHCP for the IP configuration.  At the
> FTP Setup screen I enter the IP address of my server and the path
> of the i386 directory.

Your FTP server needs the entire 'CentOS' directory from Disc 1, and in 
the RPMS directory (under the CentOS directory that you just copied) you 
need all of the rpms from the remaining discs copied into that as well.
