[CentOS] Mail Avenger

Fri Jun 8 23:31:41 UTC 2007
Black Hand <yonsy at blackhandchronicles.homeip.net>

On Friday 08 June 2007 12:31:55 John Hinton wrote:

> http://www.mailavenger.org/
> This looks really sweet! Fighting spam before the smtp process and it
> looks like it works with just about any MTA. So, it could reject instead
> of bouncing. It looks like it deals with huge numbers of the normal
> nuances after receipt.

we use exim acl (with exiscan patch) to do this, in smtp time spam, virus 
analisis and greylisting. we complement with mailscanner and try to train the 
spamassassin (that is used with exiscan and mailscanner too), we are doing 
now an app that replace mailscanner and integrate better with exim and try to 
use exim functionality to avoid duplicate functions that we have now with the 
actual solution. i am going to test mailavenger in some test servers at my 
charge to view if can wortk with us or at least to take some ideas from this 
for our solution

Black Hand/Amiga Addicts
powered by GNU/Linux, KDE 3.5.6 and lots of GNU Force