[CentOS] Upgraded BackupPC (3.0.0) in the Testing Repository

Thu Mar 1 19:44:47 UTC 2007
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Wed, 2007-02-28 at 17:38 -0500, Phil Schaffner wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-02-28 at 16:21 -0500, Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu wrote:
> > On Mon, 2007-02-26 at 09:32 -0600, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> > > I do not disagree with this at all ... however, there is much
> > > documentation written that becomes worthless if I change those aspects
> > > of the program (location of config files, and logs, etc.).
> > > 
> > > I certainly could change all those things (I did add 64bit arch support,
> > > for example) ... but I do not want to also then rewrite all docs, etc.
> > 
> > I don't want to be an ass, but couldn't you use sed or something to
> > speed that up?
> A don't want to be an a$$ either, but I suspect Johnny has plenty of
> other things on his plate of higher priority (recent new errata kernels,
> seamonkey re-updates, CentOS5 Beta, ...) as I'm sure does Dag who
> complained about the mixed case "violations" in the first place.  From
> my experience with sed/awk/etc. it would take a bit of cut-and-try to
> get it right.  Perhaps a volunteer with a dislike for the mixed case
> names and some free time can step up to the job.  ("Not I" said the
> pig ...  :-)

Well ... the real issue is that I don't think I should be controlling
where the config files or log files go. That is for the people who
produce the software to do.

I don't think that things like that should be changed ... unless they
are changed by the person who wrote the program.  That person moved the
files for a reason.  He wrote the program, and he should know more than
me where he wants the config files. log files, etc.

I am looking to make this usable by CentOS users, not fork the code.

What happens when you go to that guy's website to get help and he
says ... go to /etc/BackupPC and what does xxx.conf say ... BUT, I have
moved that to /var/lib/backuppc/conf instead of /etc/BackupPC ... or
whatever the issue is.

For example, I personally do not appreciate trying to help someone with
CentOS where the technician who installed it for them decided that the
php from CentOS sucked, so they built version x.y.z from source for
them ... and did not use an RPM.

Me changing major function locations (Log locations, Config locations,
etc.) is not any different than that ... which I certainly do not want
to do.

That (IMHO) makes it harder for the user to use the program or get help.

Johnny Hughes
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