[CentOS] Re: LDAP Server configs

Mon Mar 12 00:58:52 UTC 2007
MrKiwi <mrkiwi at gmail.com>

centos at 911networks.com wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Mar 2007 07:13:00 +0900
> John Summerfield <debian at herakles.homelinux.org> wrote:
>> The means that you need to learn to use google to find how to do
>> things. Google is faster than any mailing list, and will usually
>> turn up better answers.
> Let me translate your answer:
> This mailing list is useless and should not be used.
> Where does it say on the announcement email when I joined, that
> this mailing list should not be used to ask question, and we
> should drop it in favour of Google?

Woah there centos at 911networks.com ...
I cant quite work out if you are the same person as the 
original poster, but that point is not relevant; your tone is.
You can use that tone when you're talking/emailing a paid 
rep/helpdesk but not here. Do you really think that the 
community is going to leap into action to help solve a 
problem after a snipe like that?

If you have an axe to grind, pay for some support from (eg) 
RHEL - they will be happy to listen.

What John meant (imho) is that for questions like the 
original poster, google is a more appropriate source of 
information. You wont find many subscribers here who are 
willing to answer questions which clearly show you/OP 
haven't bothered to do a 10 second search.

