Please don't top post. On 3/9/07, Mark Hull-Richter <mhull-richter at> wrote: > We are using the deadline method - cached i/o still runs 1/2 the speed > of direct. Also, for current testing, we've been using JFS.... Okay... so you're using 2 different filesystems known to be unsupported in the upstream OS, and you're wondering why you're getting bad performance? While XFS has been backported (great thanks to those responsible and not to belittle their efforts) and is functional, it's not been heavily debugged or tested to any great extent beyond 'yep it works and did not eat my data'. To futher the issue, vendors supporting RH don't test those alternate filesystems against RHEL because they're not supported in the distro. You appear to be using a hammer to pound screws. You may really want to take a moment to sit back and question the sanity involved in what you're doing. One other nit-pick as I'm a little frustrated at this point. PLEASE PROVIDE ALL RELEVANT DATA to those trying to assist you. If you've used other elevators, STATE THAT so that we don't waste our effort telling you something you've already tried. -- During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. George Orwell