[CentOS] Re: software raid

Thu Mar 29 17:48:34 UTC 2007
Matt Hyclak <hyclak at math.ohiou.edu>

On Thu, Mar 29, 2007 at 01:43:46PM -0400, David A. Woyciesjes enlightened us:
> Scott Silva wrote:
> >David A. Woyciesjes spake the following on 3/29/2007 6:29 AM:
> >>    I'm going to be setting up a machine at home, for keeping backup
> >>copies of my data & software... the
> >>"server" is going to be a dual boot W2K/Linux machine, and I'll have
> >>MacOSX, W2K, and Linux clients accessing this over the network...
> >>...
> >>    I have a 60GB drive, and 2 80GB drives for it...
> >>...I have an external 300GB drive with NTFS format...
> >>
> >The best common denominator would be fat32 on the external. Linux, Windows,
> >and I think even the Macs can read and write to it. The biggest limit to 
> >fat32
> >is the maximum of 2 gig file sizes.
> >Have you thought about just looking for an old PII PC in a garage sale and
> >just making it a server? You could use something as simple as Freenas and 
> >make
> >it a network storage point.
> >
> 	Thought about it, and discarded it. IIRC, there is a ~32GB partition 
> limit for FAT32. Or at least WinXP won't create them bigger than that. 
> Considering the files I'll be storing, I don't want to deal with 3+ 
> different partitions on the external drive. :)

Time for a number check: 

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FAT32 claims 4GB filesize, and 8TB partition
size. the 32GB partition limit is a WinXP-ism to make people use NTFS.


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263