[CentOS] Re: Anaconda doesn't support raid10

Thu May 10 18:48:38 UTC 2007
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

Ruslan Sivak wrote:

>> But seriously, when you need a /boot partition, it is only as useful 
>> as the rest of the system.
> This is true.  In this particular case, I wanted the boot partition to 
> survive if the data disks survived.  Kinda annoying to have the data 
> disks survive, but have to rebuild the system because the / or the /boot 
> paritions didn't survive.
> With 500GB drives, an extra 200MB partition hardly matters, while it 
> will save me a lot of headaches should one or two drives fail (assuming 
> it's the right drives, and the data partition is still there).

I didn't think you were duplicating / across all 4 in the layout you 
proposed.  Thus the questions about putting /boot there.  If your /boot 
doesn't work you can always boot the install cd in rescue mode to fix it 
but there's not much you can do about a missing /.


Les Mikesell
   lesmikesell at gmail.com