Look in your fedora fc1 or knoppix witch module was loaded for your two nic. Then try a # modprobe <your_module_name_here> then # dmesg to look if both nics where recognized. If so you have to update your modprobe.conf Alain Regards On 10/22/07, Linux Man <linuxman.uru at gmail.com> wrote: > I'm building a Linux box to act as Proxy/Router/Firewall. > I'm using CentOS 4.5, with an "old" motherboard (Asus A8V-X), and two > Ethernet NIC, based on a realtek chip, that's widely supported under > 2.4 and later kernel (the cards were functioning excellent in another > PC whit Fedora Core 1). > CentOS detects the on board LAN, but not the other two, in fact, > knoppix 5.0.1 doesn't detect too (kernel 2.6.17), but, Knoppix 5.1.1 > (kernel 2.6.19) detects all three cards. > Do you have any idea why this behavior? > Centos 5.0 detects all three too, but I don't now why, my firewall > script (ipv4) doesn't work with this release. > > Now, thank you very much! > Best Regards. > _______________________________________________ > CentOS mailing list > CentOS at centos.org > http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos > -- Alain Spineux aspineux gmail com May the sources be with you