[CentOS] Why CentOS as a webhosting platform

Thu Sep 6 15:08:17 UTC 2007
Ray Leventhal <centos at swhi.net>

Karanbir Singh wrote:
> Hi,
> CentOS seems to be doing really well in the hosting business these
> days, and even for people who would normally have used Windows or OSX
> on the hosting previously, are now looking at using CentOS. And I
> thought it would be nice to have a section on the wiki about exactly
> why that is.
> Not having any direct connection with the hosting business I was
> wondering if people here could help me out a bit and let me know why
> they think CentOS is good / bad as a platform in this market segment.
> I suppose that would include dedicated hosting, VPS hosting, Shared /
> Virtual hosting, and even high performance grid hosting that a few
> people seem to be offering these days.
> Once we have some material here in this thread, everything will go
> online at the wiki ( with due credit to all contributors ).
As a web host, I'm gearing all 'soon-to-be-launched' systems to CentOS
for many reasons.  The first was mentioned in this thread: most CP
applications for hosting are based around RPM-friendly distros.  The
second is actually /most/ important to me and it isn't cost.  It's this
list and the CentOS community.  The community support for CentOS is as
good /if not better/ than that of Upstream or any other OS's I've used
over the past 10 years.

The distro is solid, has longevity and is robust.  Sounds like a win-win
to me and that's why we are migrating *all* of our systems to CentOS.


*tongue in cheek: for additional comments in the typical US$0.02
intervals, feel free to contact me*