[CentOS] CentOS on s390; was: CentOS 5 on IA64

Fri Sep 14 16:32:33 UTC 2007
R P Herrold <herrold at owlriver.com>

On Fri, 14 Sep 2007, Lamar Owen wrote:

> If someone would like to donate a midsized 208VAC-capable 
> (single-phase OK, but has to be 208 and not 240, or at least 
> jumperable) UPS to the effort, about a 3000VA unit or so, 
> that would help matters considerably!

As it turns out, I _may_ actually have two idle units, which I 
think can be so configured, with SNMP card, about which 
Liebert kindly donated to the local LUG ( http://www.colug.net/ ),
before Liebert were bought by Emerson Electric (I think -- I 
fergit; /me looks at Google -- yup) ... probably need new 
batteries, but ...

hmmmm --- Google Maps says PARI is south and east of the 
Smokey Mt Natl Park, on the NC side by what looks like 50 
miles of winding mountain road off I-40 -- probably to cut 
down on ambient nearby radio noise, it is kinda out in the 
middle of nowhere.

Wonder what the freight will be on the chassis' -- I'll go to 
the locker, get model numbers, pull the batteries for a part 
number, and look into the price of a delivered replacement 

-- Russ Herrold