[CentOS] Why glibc-profile doesn't show up in Centos 5 ???

Tue Sep 25 22:42:11 UTC 2007
Robinson Tiemuqinke <hahaha_30k at yahoo.com>


 Anyone know what are the reasons behind that
glibc-profile packages doesn't come with Centos 5
distribution which has version 2.5 glibc? Some
colleagues around have been asking for the glibc
profiling functions to be available continuously... 

 I could change the glibc source RPM/spec file to
disable '--disable-profile' option and recompile the
core glibc packages. But I am not sure whether this is
the correct way. Nevertheless, the glibc-profile may
have a unknown strong reason not to show up in Centos

 Please help. 


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