On 9/25/07, Robinson Tiemuqinke <hahaha_30k at yahoo.com> wrote: > Hi, > > Anyone know what are the reasons behind that > glibc-profile packages doesn't come with Centos 5 > distribution which has version 2.5 glibc? Some > colleagues around have been asking for the glibc > profiling functions to be available continuously... > > I could change the glibc source RPM/spec file to > disable '--disable-profile' option and recompile the > core glibc packages. But I am not sure whether this is > the correct way. Nevertheless, the glibc-profile may > have a unknown strong reason not to show up in Centos > 5. Mostly, because it's not in the upstream software that centos follows. I'm not sure what reasons they may have for keeping it out of the OS. -- During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. George Orwell