[CentOS] RHCE Training

Wed Apr 23 17:12:22 UTC 2008
Joseph L. Casale <jcasale at ActiveNetwerx.com>

I am possibly going to be sent for my RHCE training.
Looking at https://www.redhat.com/courses/rh300_rhce_rapid_track_course_and_rhce_exam/details/
I am thinking the concepts do not look difficult at all, having a manual and instructor makes this look fairly easy actually.

The only thing that looks important to take outside of this would be rh253 if I wasn't interested in taking the elementary courses.

Anyone done the VT courses? To fit within the budget and get what I think I need, I might take the rh253vt before the rh300.

Any thoughts or pointers from guys here who have done all this?
