[CentOS] count of active tcp sockets?

Fri Apr 18 10:26:43 UTC 2008
Dag Wieers <dag at centos.org>

On Wed, 16 Apr 2008, J Potter wrote:

> Is there an easy way to get a count of the number of active socket 
> connections, or even better, number of socket connections in the time_wait 
> state? (Something lightweight... under /proc/sys/net/ipv4/? I'd like to avoid 
> the impact of listing out all the connections a-la netstat.)

[dag at rhun ~]$ dstat -t --tcp
-----time----- ----tcp-sockets----
   date/time   |lis act syn tim clo
18-04 12:24:19|  4   9   0   4   0
18-04 12:24:20|  4   9   0   4   0
18-04 12:24:21|  4   9   0   4   0
18-04 12:24:22|  4   9   0   4   0

Although it is using /proc/net/tcp

You can use --debug to see how much time in milliseconds dstat spends on 
getting that information. Of course that number is impacted by the load on 
the system as well.

[dag at rhun ~]$ dstat -t --tcp --debug
Module dstat_time
Module dstat_tcp requires ['/proc/net/tcp', '/proc/net/tcp6']
-------time------- ----tcp-sockets----
     date/time     |lis act syn tim clo
18-04 12:26:17.932|  4   9   0   4   0 11.76ms
18-04 12:26:18.935|  4   9   0   4   0 25.83ms
18-04 12:26:19.936|  4   9   0   4   0 14.82ms
18-04 12:26:20.937|  4   9   0   4   0 14.51ms

Kind regards,
--   dag wieers,  dag at centos.org,  http://dag.wieers.com/   --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]