{Disarmed} [CentOS] I meet a problem on installing CentOS4.4 ServerCD.

Thu Apr 17 20:05:44 UTC 2008
Martyn Drake <martyn at drake.org.uk>

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 8:41 PM, Joseph L. Casale
<jcasale at activenetwerx.com> wrote:

>  I hope you don't dislike HP's controllers designed for the its servers, like the P800 etc, as they are using the same chip as your preferred controller :) The e/p line
> of smart array controllers have been the most rock solid controllers (including my OE LSI's like the one you mention) I have ever used.

Maybe so, but I've found the P800s to be incredibly flakey.
Performance wise, fine - no problems - but the p800s have failed more
times than I can say.  Just transporting machines with them to
customers have been enough to kill the controller.  A slight knock
here, a slight knock there - blam.  Can't say the same about the
888ELP - we've shipped several and have been absolutely rock solid.


Martyn Drake