> ... If I can't find an RPM for a Perl module on one of the third- > party repositories, I usually use cpanflute2 to build an RPM, then > install that. That way RPM knows all about the module and can > handle it appropriately. ... Thanks, Jay! Mostly there. For some reason, the rpm file is outputting the files under /var/tmp, instead of on the system: rpm -ql perl-SVN-Notify /usr/share/doc/perl-SVN-Notify-2.66 /usr/share/doc/perl-SVN-Notify-2.66/Changes /usr/share/doc/perl-SVN-Notify-2.66/README /var/tmp/perl-SVN-Notify-2.66-8-root/usr/bin/svnnotify /var/tmp/perl-SVN-Notify-2.66-8-root/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/ SVN/Notify.pm /var/tmp/perl-SVN-Notify-2.66-8-root/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/ SVN/Notify/Alternative.pm ... Did I miss a setting somewhere? -Jeff On CentOS 5 x86_64: yum -y install perl-RPM-Specfile perl-IO-Zlib rpm-build perl-rpm- build-perl perl-Module-Build perl-HTML-Parser wget 'http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/D/DW/DWHEELER/SVN-Notify-2.66.tar.gz' gunzip SVN-Notify-2.66.tar.gz cpanflute2 --name=SVN-Notify --version=2.66 SVN-Notify-2.66.tar -- buildall rpm -Uvh perl-SVN-Notify-2.66-8.src.rpm