[CentOS] RPM for perl-svn-notify?

Thu Feb 7 00:24:39 UTC 2008
Jay Leafey <jay.leafey at mindless.com>

J. Potter wrote:
> Thanks, Jay!
> Mostly there. For some reason, the rpm file is outputting the files 
> under /var/tmp, instead of on the system:
>     rpm -ql perl-SVN-Notify
>     /usr/share/doc/perl-SVN-Notify-2.66
>     /usr/share/doc/perl-SVN-Notify-2.66/Changes
>     /usr/share/doc/perl-SVN-Notify-2.66/README
>     /var/tmp/perl-SVN-Notify-2.66-8-root/usr/bin/svnnotify
>     /var/tmp/perl-SVN-Notify-2.66-8-root/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/SVN/Notify.pm 
>     /var/tmp/perl-SVN-Notify-2.66-8-root/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/SVN/Notify/Alternative.pm 
>     ...
> Did I miss a setting somewhere?
> -Jeff
> On CentOS 5 x86_64:
>     yum -y install perl-RPM-Specfile perl-IO-Zlib rpm-build 
> perl-rpm-build-perl perl-Module-Build perl-HTML-Parser
>     wget 
> 'http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/D/DW/DWHEELER/SVN-Notify-2.66.tar.gz' 
>     gunzip SVN-Notify-2.66.tar.gz
>     cpanflute2 --name=SVN-Notify --version=2.66 SVN-Notify-2.66.tar  
> --buildall
>     rpm -Uvh perl-SVN-Notify-2.66-8.src.rpm

I don't think you missed anything, I think cpanflute2 got a bit confused 
with the makefile provided by SVN::Notify.  That's basically why I 
mentioned tweaking the specfile, you never know just what's going to 
happen!  It works out-of-the-box most of the time, but even when it 
doesn't it's a lot easier for me to tweak it than it is to start from 

It appears that the makefile it attempted to install the files using the 
value of RPM's _tmppath macro, but it got doubled-up somehow.  I got 
slightly different results from you as I have changed that macro to 
point to a slightly different location than the default.

The issue appears to be in line 30 of the generated specfile, which goes:


I removed the PREL_INSTALL_ROOT=... portion of the line so that it just 

make pure_install

and that seems to take care of the issue.

You can fix this by installing the source RPM file 
(perl-SVN-Notify-2.66-8.src.rpm) and editing the specfile as noted 
above.  Then just run:

rpmbuild -bb --target=noarch perl-SVN-Notify.spec

which should generate the installable RPM.  It worked over here on my 
CentOS 5.1 i386 box, or at least the RPM contained the files in the 
right locations.  Note that you will have to have an RPM build 
environment set up in your home directory to get this to work.  There 
are some pointers to resources on this in the wiki at 

Hope that helps!
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN
jay.leafey at mindless.com
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