[CentOS] Re: Message size rejected

Sun Jul 6 16:26:05 UTC 2008
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

on 7-3-2008 11:43 PM Anne Wilson spake the following:
> On Thursday 03 July 2008 22:29:55 Jim Perrin wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 5:06 PM, Anne Wilson <cannewilson-gM/Ye1E23mwN+BqQ9rBEUg at public.gmane.org> 
> wrote:
>>> My daughter needs to send me a large file.  It appears that it is getting
>>> through my ISP, but being rejected on my CentOS mail server.  The message
>>> she's getting says
>> Much as I dislike getting or giving "you asked for x, but here's how
>> to do it with y" I'm going to do so here.
>> Email is one of those things which is great for small files, and such,
>> but large transfers can cause issues at pretty much every aspect of
>> the trip. If you've already got a webserver running, add a password
>> protected area for uploads. You can even set it up to allow webdav
>> style transfers over https. This avoids any mail handling delays, lets
>> both parties know it got there successfully, and keeps the clutter out
>> of the mailserver.
> I wouldn't dream of sending big files like that by email, but this is a 
> windows user who 'wants to get things done, not play with computers'.  Her 
> experience is that she can send a big pdf to her printers, so she wouldn't 
> think that he sets his mailbox to accept unusually large files.  As far as 
> she's concerned, I'm at fault.  She even read the 'Message size exceeds fixed 
> limit' as meaning that my inbox was full.  It's no good trying to tell her 
> about better ways.  She wouldn't see that as part of her work.
> </rant>  Thanks to list members I'll get the file thiis morning.
> Anne
That is one of the biggest of my beefs about windows. It allows any computer 
noob to shoot themselves in the foot very easily. That can be a plus or a 
negative. The biggest negative is that there are now millions of computers on 
the internet that have run out on their free 2 months of virus scanner 
updates, and are now owned by someones bot network, while the clueless user 
keeps plugging along wondering why the darn machine is so slow.
I guess the positive is that it is easy for Grandma and Grandpa on the other 
side of the country to get pics of the grandkids.

I just wish that PC manufacturers would just contract with one of the free 
virus scanner companies like Grisoft, instead of putting in Norton with a 60 
day cripple point. Most users will just ignore the update message until it 
stops because they don't know it is really necessary software. A free virus 
scanner with updates will beat a heave commercial soft with no updates anytime.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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