RE: [CentOS] Recommendations for a “real RAID" 1 card on Centos box

Fri Mar 14 13:55:44 UTC 2008
Therese Trudeau <mswotr at>

>>>>> You can turn on write back caching if you have a UPS as well
>>>>>  (provided your UPS is wired into your system for a graceful shutdown)
>>>> Hopefully you have a redundant PS unit. Having a UPS is not going to
>>>> help if your PS fails.
>>> That's a very good point never thought of that.  Acrtually this RAID 
>>> 1 setup I'm planning
>>> is for my desktop machine, problem is is's not built like a server so 
>>> there is not the traditional slid in bay for a second PS as do many 1 
>>> and 2u rack servers have.  Unless there is some
>>> specialty product available that somehow fits in to a tower case. 
>>> Could you reccomend a redundant PS for a desktop machine (if they 
>>> exist)?
>> The whole system needs to be designed for dual supplies. You can't 
>> just plop down two power supplies in parallel without some circuitry 
>> that  attempts to monitor & balance them out.
>> I'm curious - why does your desktop needs so much redundancy ?
> Just for fun, the first hit on a google for "redundant atx power supply"
> Seems you can just plop one into your std atx chassis . . .

Hey thank's that's pretty cool, I'll check it out!

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