[CentOS] Re: Installing Postfix/Dovecot [SOLVED]

Thu Mar 27 22:51:10 UTC 2008
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

on 3-27-2008 3:38 PM Giulio Troccoli spake the following:
> Giulio Troccoli wrote:
>> I have just installed CentOS 5.1 on my home server and I am trying to 
>> set a mail server.
>> I have diligently followed the instructions on the Wiki - How To on 
>> the CentOS website (http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/postfix). However I 
>> cannot send internal email (I haven't yet tried externally).
>> Do you have any suggestions on what to check? To test it I used two 
>> normail user: giulio and federica. I logged in as federica and sent an 
>> email to giulio with the mail programme. Is this correct (i.e. using 
>> the mail programme)?
>> There is one thing that I don't quite understand from the 
>> instructions. In section 3.1 it's suggested to set
>> mynetworks =,
>> in the /etc/postfix/main.cf file. My home network however is 
>> and actually the IP assigned to any computers in the 
>> networks start from So I changed mynetworks to 
>> and also (as my server IP address is 
>> actully I don't think this is the cause of my problem 
>> anyway, because it didn't work even with the value suggested by the 
>> Wiki page.
>> Thanks for you help
>> Giulio
> Well,
> after putting the correct settings in /etc/postfix/main.cf
> mynetworks =,
> AND commented out the line
> #mailbox_transport = lmtp:unix:/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp
> restarted postfix and I can download my email with Thunderbird. I cannot 
> read them on the server with mail but I don't care about that
> Thanks everybody for your help
> Giulio
Welcome to what might become your biggest nightmare! A mailserver attached to 
the internet. ;-P

Spammers will probably find you within a week.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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