[CentOS] clustered mail server?

Mon May 19 10:45:17 UTC 2008
Rudi Ahlers <Rudi at SoftDux.com>

Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> Christopher Chan wrote:
>> Ralph Angenendt wrote:
>>> There are primary/primary setups possible with drbd and gfs if you need
>>> both nodes to be exported at the same time - but that's not needed nor
>>> recommended in a failover situation.
>> Why would it not be recommended for a failover situation?
> Because it would be shooting cannons at birds in this particular case.
> If you need to expose both nodes "to the public" all the time, you
> probably also run the software on both nodes - which would be more of a
> cluster than a failover setup >:)
> Cheers,
> Ralph
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But, a cluster in itself is fail over :) If either node is dead, the 
cluster is still up


Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
CEO, SoftDux

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