[CentOS] XFS or JFS on CentOS 5?

Thu Nov 20 07:22:26 UTC 2008
Dunc <centos at duncb.co.uk>

Ray Van Dolson wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 10:46:00PM -0800, John R Pierce wrote:
>> Ray Van Dolson wrote:
>>> Hi folks... trying to pick between jfs and xfs for a filesystem.  In
>>> the past we've used jfs with CentOS + centosplus, however, ...
>> CentOS and its upstream source, RHEL, support ex3fs.   I'm not sure why 
>> you'd want to use anything else.   If you have a specific requirement for 
>> JFS, I'd suggest running a BSD or AIX system where JFS is native...  If you 
>> need XFS, I'd run a Linux distribution that supports it natively.
>> If you roll your own hybrid operating system, you get to test and validate 
>> it, and if it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.
> Thanks for the reply John.  However, my question wasn't so much "if I
> should" but how the xfs support in CentOS compares to jfs.  It seems to
> me that xfs is a bit more up-to-date.
> If you'd like, consider the question academic vs giving me a
> recommendation that pushes me down the path of unsupported filesystem
> doom. :-)
I've been using XFS on centos for a couple of years with no problems. 
Only minor annoyance was when the kmod for new kernels was slow to 
appear, but thats not a problem any more due to the non kernel version  
dependant kmods.
