[CentOS] "core" installs of 5.2 missing crucial packages like yum, selinux-policy-targeted, vim-minimal, etc.

Tue Oct 28 19:34:29 UTC 2008
Johnny Tan <linuxweb at gmail.com>

I had a 5.0 kickstart server which did "core" installs of 
CentOS (i.e.: "%packages --nobase").

I recently setup a 5.2 kickstart server. Using the same 
kickstart configs, I notice a few packages are always 
missing, notably: yum (!!), selinux-policy-targeted (even 
though I have "selinux --enforcing" in the kickstart, it 
always ends up with that package missing and selinux 
disabled), vim-minimal, etc.

Looking at comps.xml for 5.2 os tree, it shows all of these 
packages in the "core" group, just like 5.0 does. So it's 
not that the "core" group has changed.

Looking at the Release Notes for 5.2, I see this entry:

"Kickstart scripts that worked for 5.0 and/or 5.1 may have 
issues on CentOS 5.2 installation trees. So first test your 
kickstart scripts with CentOS 5.2 before using them in 

I'm guessing this has something to do with my problem, but 
there's no further details.

Does anyone have any insight into the above Release Notes 
entry, and/or my problem in general?

p.s. I setup a 2nd kickstart server in a completely 
different environment, and am still seeing the same issue. 
I'm about to try a CD-based install of 5.2 and see if that 
also has the issue.
