[CentOS] new list proposal

Thu Oct 16 06:31:42 UTC 2008
Sorin Srbu <sorin.srbu at orgfarm.uu.se>

Michael Semcheski <> scribbled on Thursday, October 16, 2008 2:17 AM:

> This may sound crazy, but maybe the thing to do is let the main list
> continue the way it is, but update the guidelines for this list to
> explicitly allow the things that Karanbir mentioned in the OP.  Then,
> and this is the crazy part, set up a new list called centos-terse or
> centos-hardcore or centos-list-of-last-resort.  Let that one be the
> new BS-not-tolerated, no noise, all Centos all the time list.

I second that! CentOS-Discussion should continue to be the general entrance to
anything CentOS but updated as to topics, while there could also be more
specific lists that are hardcore etc.

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