[CentOS] Re: Replacement for Intel SDS2 Motherboard

Tue Oct 21 19:20:58 UTC 2008
nate <centos at linuxpowered.net>

John R Pierce wrote:
> John Plemons wrote:
>> What case form factor are you looking for, I may have a new IBM under
>> warranty that I can sell to you for what you are looking to spend...
>> All Xeons
> he's got 3 raid cards in his current server.
> 1 x 3Ware 7006-2  - PCI 32bit 66MHz (probably fits in a PCI-X slow?) - 2 x
> ATA/133
> 2 x 3Ware 7506-4LP - PCI 64bit 66Mhz (PCI-X?) - 4 x ATA 133

There may be issues with the 3ware 7xxx series cards in the latest
and greatest kernels, as 7xxx is really really old. I run a couple
of 8000 series 3Ware cards and support is alright, though a bunch of
things don't work with the driver in the 2.6.x kernel(mostly around
monitoring and maintenance)
