[CentOS] swap memory crash

Thu Sep 4 18:17:19 UTC 2008
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

MHR wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 5:53 AM, lingu <hicheerup at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>>    I am getting below syslog error on my oracle database server running on
>> RHEL4U5. During this time my swap shows zero on both available and  free in
>> the top command output , result in total system hang. can any one guide me
>> how to fix this issue of memory and exactly what  this error indicates??
> It strikes me that someone running RH4U5 should be able to get
> technical support from Red Hat, no?...

and, for that matter, someone running Oracle in production should have 
an Oracle support contract, and should work through them.