[CentOS] CentOS Project Infrastructure

Thu Aug 6 20:13:24 UTC 2009
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

R P Herrold wrote:
>> Leaving outsiders to wonder what happens if those few insiders have a
>> bad day.
> ... and we took heat for going public as well.  We have done 
> what is right and accepted that not all will be pleased. 
> Thanks for being in there, throwing rocks, Les

Don't misunderstand.  I think you have done and are doing a great job 
but some things are out of any single person's control.  All I'm 
suggesting is that it would be nice if there were an easy answer to the 
question of "what if" those things happen to a few of you.  I think it 
is a good thing that the question is being asked, though.

    Les Mikesell
     lesmikesell at gmail.com