[CentOS] Samba Permissions - Sanity check

Scott Silva

ssilva at sgvwater.com
Thu Feb 19 20:06:20 UTC 2009

on 2-19-2009 11:54 AM Tim Nelson spake the following:
> Greetings list-
> I have a Samba-centric question to ask. I have a particular user who claims Samba has the ability to allow users to create/edit/modify existing files of a share but NOT delete them. To my knowledge, the aforementioned permissions require the user to have write access to the share which *ALSO* gives them the ability to delete files as well.
> The Samba server is nothing special, simply the latest Samba running on CentOS 5, ext3 filesystem.
> I've been around and around on this topic and I'm just hoping someone can give me a little sanity by confirming 'yay or nay' whether this is possible or not.
> --Tim
It is possible that a user can create a file that another user can't delete.
But a user should be able to delete anything he/she created.

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