[CentOS] Yum update conflicts perl-Math-BigInt

Thu Feb 5 17:27:30 UTC 2009
Dan Carl <danc at bluestarshows.com>

Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> Dan Carl wrote on Wed, 04 Feb 2009 14:48:23 -0600:
>> add check_obsoletes = 1 does nothing
> Not in this situation, as you didn't tell everything last time ;-)
Sorry, I usually post too much info
> Correct. But there is no such file in CentOS. You installed the complete 
> MailScanner package which installs lots of "not so good" perl packages 
> which either are not necessary (including this one) or can be fetched from 
> rpmforge. Remove that BigInt package and all shoulkd be well. And do not 
> install the complete MailScanner package when you do your next upgrade, 
> install only the mailscanner*.rpm
If I remove the conflicting perl packages won't this break MailScanner?
I doubt he would install them if they weren't needed.

If I uninstall the older perl package versions and install the newer 
ones from rpmforge will MailScanner still function properly?

I know there's MailScanner users on this list so I'll wait for a 
response here before posting to the MailScanner list.

> Kai