Coert Waagmeester schrieb: > Hello all, > > > At our office a have a server running 3 Xen domains. Mail server, etc. > > I want to make this setup more redundant. > > There are a few howtos on the combination of Xen, DRBD, and heartbeat. > That is probably the best way. > > Another option I am looking at is a piece of shared storage, > a machine running CentOS with a large software RAID 5 array. > How large? Depending on the size, RAID6 is the better option (with >=1TB disks, the rebuild can take longer than the statistical average time another disk needs to fail). > What is the best means of sharing the storage? > I would really like to use a combination of an iSCSI target server, and > GFS or OCFS. > > If you don't already do GFS (and have been doing so for years), I'd say you better only do it in a configuration that is either supported by RedHat (e.g. with RHEL) or some competent 3rd-party that can help you over the pitfalls. Else you are on your own, with only the GFS mailinglist, yourself and your keyboard ;-) Rainer