[CentOS] Interrupting Yum Update

Sat Oct 31 07:37:04 UTC 2009
Lee Perez <leecajun at windstream.net>

Hi All,

Quick question, I just finished googling and found the thread that is 
dealing with the rpmdup_remover.sh script, and thanks to everyone that 
was involved in this.  I followed the following threads:

Which lead me to the following link and the script:


I started an update at about  5pm on the 30th and here it is 2:30 in the 
morning on the 31st.  I want to kill this update and start over.  I 
usually get around 155 KB/s now I'm getting 455 B/s.  I do believe it is 
the mirror that I am connected to.  I just want to make sure that by 
using the above mentioned script that I am going the right way.

Just looking for a little reassurance before I do it.  If I don't I 
don't think this thing will finish until sometime next week :-)  and 
that is a bit long.


Lee Perez