[CentOS] Web server in a sandbox?

Fri Sep 11 13:33:44 UTC 2009
Kwan Lowe <kwan.lowe at gmail.com>

Hello Anne:

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Anne Wilson<cannewilson at googlemail.com> wrote:
> I'd like to understand better the sysadmin  aspects of running a wiki.  I
> don't have, and don't intend to at this stage, a web server, but I do have
> spare capacity on my LAN server box, where I'd like to install MediaWiki.  I
> found this article:

Most of the wiki packages require a webserver to handle the actual web
traffic. There are a few standalone ones that contain their own web
server, and even a couple that can be used directly from the local
storage, but most will install a set of directories and some
configurations under an existing web directory.

> http://docs.fedoraproject.org/documentation-guide/en_US/sn-sandbox-setup.html

Those instructions look fairly generic and *should* work with CentOS5.
  They don't appear to be a Wiki in itself though, and for a Wiki you
won't need to do anything from the local directories to actually edit

> Would it be straightforward to follow those instructions on a CentOS5 box?
> Anything I should be aware of?
> Remember that this is a whole new ballgame for me.  Is it likely to meet my
> needs?
> Any recommended reading that takes it right from step1 - assuming no special
> knowledge?

I use MediaWiki on my LAN. It took me about an hour to configure from
start to finish. Packages are available in one of the alternate repos,
though I don't recall which one.