On 8/5/2010 1:17 PM, John R. Dennison wrote: > > Hadi had been asked, repeatedly, to at least make a minimal > effort on his own; to date there has been *no* evidence of that > happening. So where would he have found an answer to the question that sparked this thread of non-answers: the one about installing a redhat version that didn't support USB on a USB disk? > Not even once. So enlighten us - point us to where someone should go to find that answer. > The world is full of what seems an entire generation of people > that possess an air of entitlement from those around them and > expect people to instantly drop what they are doing and do > their jobs / school assignment / etc for them. Beg your pardon? Do you really drop things to answer list email? Ever? > Their are > entire linux distros that, sadly, compound this problem. Every incompatibility compounds the problem. It is designed in to every intentional difference in every system. > And, to be perfectly blunt about it, this is not helpful for > anyone. We need more independent and self-supporting people > in this world, not yet more consumers and leeches. And you think you are going to get that by ranting about questions without even including a link? -- Les Mikesell lesmikesell at gmail.com