[CentOS] netinstlal question

Tue Aug 31 12:18:26 UTC 2010
Robert Heller <heller at deepsoft.com>

At Mon, 30 Aug 2010 21:56:19 -0400 CentOS mailing list <centos at centos.org> wrote:

>   my church just got some ibm x335's donated.  Cent 5 is only relaly 
> dvd's.  I do have a windows server using IIS for internal stuff.  How 
> would i setup a local repo for the dvd so i can point the net install 
> iso to the windows box?

USB DVD rom drives are pretty cheap these days...  Even if the new
machines can't boot from the USB DVD rom drives, you can burn the
'boot.iso' file onto a CD-R and then do an install from the USB DVD Rom

To do a netinstall you'll need to set up one of these:

nfs server
http server (IIS might work)
ftp server

*I've* used nfs (trivial to set up on a Linux machine) for netinstall. 
You just need to stash the DVD .iso file on an nfs exported file system.

It is also possible to get the CentOS 5 distro on a batch of CDs (6 or
7 I think) and it is possible to do a very minimual install using only
the first CD, and then install the rest later.

It is also possible to install from the local hard drive -- you might be
able to get this setup using a Live CD.  You'd need to do the
partitioning from the Live CD, including a partition that would not
include the OS (a scratch partition).

Once you get *one* of the boxes set up, you can make that machine a NFS
server and install the rest using NFS.

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Robert Heller             -- Get the Deepwoods Software FireFox Toolbar!
Deepwoods Software        -- Linux Installation and Administration
http://www.deepsoft.com/  -- Web Hosting, with CGI and Database
heller at deepsoft.com       -- Contract Programming: C/C++, Tcl/Tk