[CentOS] ffmpeg

Thu Aug 11 18:09:58 UTC 2011
Lamar Owen <lowen at pari.edu>

On Thursday, August 11, 2011 01:25:59 PM m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
> Now, so far, motion, and ffmpeg, are not available for 6.
> rpmfusion/updates/free/testing has faad2. I don't see ffmpeg, much less
> motion. So I'm stuck trying to work from an 5 repository for ffmpeg.

There are basic dependency issues with trying to use what amounts to a Fedora Core 6 repository with what amounts to a Fedora 12/13 OS.  You will not likely be successful in using an EL5 ffmpeg with EL6 due to more than just faad.

Since you can't use just any repo, and since you can't build from source, then you'll just have to wait on the rpmfusion EL6 repo to get ffmpeg and motion.  Sorry.

More detail:

I typically use rpmforge for ffmpeg for EL5; I enabled rpmfusion on one of my C5 machines, and find several differences between the rpmfusion and rpmforge ffmpeg packages.  First, as has been mentioned, the rpmfusion version of ffmpeg is old, 0.4.9.  The rpmforge version is 0.6.1.  Looking at the requires for the rpmfusion version of ffmpeg, I think the libfaad version is the least of the troubles.  But, since faad is where this shows up, note that the version of the shared object is different, and thus probably incompatible:
(both of these machines are CentOS 5 fully updated)

[root at migration ~]# rpm -q --queryformat "%{NAME}-%{VERSION} for %{ARCH} from %{VENDOR}\n" faad2-libs
faad2-libs-2.6.1 for x86_64 from RPM Fusion
faad2-libs-2.6.1 for i386 from RPM Fusion
[root at migration ~]# rpm -ql faad2-libs
[root at migration ~]#
[root at zoneminder ~]# rpm -q --queryformat "%{NAME}-%{VERSION} for %{ARCH} from %{VENDOR}\n" faad2
faad2-2.7 for x86_64 from Dag Apt Repository, http://dag.wieers.com/apt/
[root at zoneminder ~]# rpm -ql faad2
[root at zoneminder ~]#

Note that libfaad.so.0.0.0 and libfaad.so.2.0.0 are likely incompatible with each other.

In other words, an EL5 ffmpeg from rpmfusion is not going to work on EL6, more than likely, without a lot of effort.